You Chose To Homeschool. Now What?


More and more families in our circle are choosing to homeschool. Woohoo! But with all the excitement comes a lot of, where in the world do we even begin? So many methods, so many great curriculum options, so many co-ops, so very many gurus to follow.

I have not been at this very long, but I’ve learned a few things along the way as I’ve sought to teach our four young kids. Here are some important places to start:

  1. Sit down and write out your vision for homeschooling. Why did you choose to do this? What do you hope to gain? List out several thoughts, then form them into one cohesive sentence. If you work out of a single purpose, you are much less likely to lose your mind on the hard days.
  2. Pick up Cathy Duffy’s 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum. Start by taking the test to determine what style of homeschooling might be best for your teaching style and your family’s learning style. Browse her recommendations to get an idea of what’s out there.
  3. DON’T PURCHASE ALL YOUR CURRICULUM AT ONCE YOUR FIRST YEAR. Borrow from friends. Check out some options from the library. Try out various methods and curriculum to get a feel of what works best for you. No two families are the same. You don’t want to buy $300 worth of books only to realize it just doesn’t work for you.
  4. Decide how many weeks you want to school and how often you’ll take breaks. Many families plan for 36 weeks of schooling. Some follow public school guidelines for time off, some choose to school for six weeks, then break for one, others school through the year taking short breaks throughout. Look at a calendar, plan out which weeks you’ll focus on schooling, which weeks you’ll take off, and plan to have some flexibility. This allows for illness, spontaneity and unforeseen events.
  5. Rather than having set educational goals, first work on cultivating a love for learning. These are sweet times. These first months set the tone for the rest of your homeschool experience. Visit museums. Invite interesting people into your home. Travel your state. Explore nature. Study the stars. Read aloud well-written stories, even to your teenagers, as you savor homemade cookies and steamy cups of tea. Enjoy your family and set the stage for a loving and welcoming learning environment in your home.
  6. Give yourself heaps of grace. You’re going to feel like you’re failing your kids, you’re not doing enough, you need more money to buy more and better curriculum, etc. Go back to your vision statement. Pray. Ask God to guide you as you seek to live out His will in your home. Homeschooling is not public school at home. It’s going to look different. And that’s okay!

You’ve got this, mom and dad! I’d love to hear from you and help you along the way. You’re not alone on this educational journey!


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